Das Bild zeigt einen Mann mit Smartphone, der an dem Ufer eines Bergsees steht. Er hält den rechten Arm mit schmerzenden Handgelenk hoch.

Find the cause of your joint problems

Nobody needs joint pain. They restrict your everyday activities and are simply a burden. That’s why you want to get rid of them – ideally quickly and permanently. We will help you with that. Find out where your problems may come from, what treatment options there are, and how Train supports can help you alleviate pain ‒ in the long term.

Choose the joint that’s troubling you and find out more:

Wrist pain

Bildausschnitt eines Mannes an einem See, der eine Yoga-Pose einnimmt und dabei eine ManuTrain Handgelenkbandage trägt, um Schmerzen im Handgelenk zu lindern.

Get to know ManuTrain


Does your wrist or your hand hurt? Or does the pain radiate more toward the forearm? Wherever pain manifests, the cause is often a wrist subjected to excessive strain. And that can happen more quickly than you may think: it’s often repetitive movements that cause excessive strain and pain. Do you work at a checkout, do assembly work, or spend a lot of time at the computer with a keyboard and mouse? Or do you exercise intensively with increased use of your hands, like during climbing or tennis? There can be many causes but one thing is clear: with countless hand movements every day, wrist pain is not only bothersome but it can also restrict you significantly. That’s why it’s important to find the cause of your pain. You should therefore visit a physician to clarify the cause.


Depending on the diagnosis, the physician can prescribe you a support, such as the ManuTrain, to treat your problems. It can help you in many ways to promote recovery and actively combat pain. Try it and get your wrist healthy again!

Knee pain

GenuTrain Bandage bei Schmerzen im Knie

Get to know GenuTrain


If there’s something wrong with your knee, there are no two ways about it: you have to see a physician. It may just be a minor case of excessive strain that can be smoothed out with a little bit of rest, cooling, and stabilization using a support. Unfortunately, however, there’s more to it a lot of the time. Previously undetected cartilage damage can, for example, result in osteoarthritis, or fluid accumulated in the knee joint capsule can cause pain and swelling. Knee joint instability can also be a reason for your problems.


You should certainly take your knee pain seriously. As with a lot of these cases, the following applies here, too: the earlier you get help with your knee joint, the better the chances you will be able to subject it to strain without pain so you can pursue your usual activities again. An important aspect of treatment is kinesiotherapy. Your knee will need additional stability provided by a support, such as the GenuTrain. Your knee support will help you during training and everyday activities. After all, in cases of knee pain, even going to the store or climbing the stairs to your apartment is no mean feat – and for this, the GenuTrain can provide you with the necessary stability and confidence. So, stay active and get your knee strong again – the GenuTrain will help you!

Ankle pain

Das Foto präsentiert eine Frau, die am Strand in einer Yoga-Pose verweilt. Gegen Schmerzen im Fußgelenk trägt sie die MalleoTrain S Plus Bandage von Bauerfeind.

Get to know MalleoTrain


Did you twist your foot and now your ankle hurts and may even be swollen? Unfortunately, this can happen quickly. Be it a little bit of effort during sports and your foot touches down awkwardly, or simply stepping down from the sidewalk. With or without an adventurous story – when your ankle is injured, it needs help.


In any event, consulting your physician is recommended. Your physician can determine how serious the injury is and treat accordingly. Two factors are usually crucial: rest and relief. However – you want to get back on your feet quickly. And even an injured ankle needs a minimal amount of exercise. This is where the MalleoTrain comes in: this support will provide your ankle with stability and protection from further damage. This is how the MalleoTrain supports the healing process and helps alleviate pain. It’s exceptionally comfortable to wear and therefore the perfect accessory for everyday life. Why not find out for yourself.

Elbow pain

Das Bild zeigt einen jungen Mann in Yoga-Pose, der eine EpiTrain Bandage trägt. Diese unterstützt und stabilisiert bei Schmerzen im Ellenbogen.

Get to know EpiTrain


Excessive strain during sports or at work is often followed by pain in the elbow area. The muscles have been overloaded, the tendon attachments are irritated and rebelling. If you listen to your body and take it easy on the painful area, the symptoms subside quickly. If the pain recurs, you should take action and consult your doctor.


EpiTrain alleviates pain in the elbow and improves its mobility. The effective knitted fabric and specially contoured pads provide relief and make it possible to start mobility training at an early stage. The comfortable support fits perfectly and features a particularly soft zone in the crook of the elbow. Swiftly regain pain-free mobility with EpiTrain.

Back pain

Das Bild präsentiert eine junge Frau, die einem See eine Yoga-Pose ausführt und dabei eine LumboTrain Lady Bandage am Rücken trägt, um ihre Rückenschmerzen zu lindern.

Get to know LumboTrain


Acute and chronic pain in the lumbar spine are a widespread ailment in today’s society. It’s hardly surprising that these complaints are often just lumped into “back pain”. However, the actual diagnoses can vary, ranging from degenerative changes in the lumbar spine to herniated discs. In many cases, conservative treatment with supports can help.


LumboTrain activates your torso muscles and alleviates low back pain. It gives you a more stable feeling and straightens the lumbar spine. A special massage pad with 26 nubs releases tension during movement in a targeted manner and reduces pain with a pleasant intermittent compression massage.

The first rule in cases of joint pain:
combat it actively

Your joints are true miracles: in a confined space, bones, cartilage, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and tissue form a precisely coordinated system. Without it, you couldn’t move. Every day, enormous forces are exerted on these structures, some of them are very delicate. But you’re rarely aware of this fact and only actually notice your joints when they hurt.

There are many causes of joint pain. In the case of accidents at work or during sports, it’s quite obvious: you twisted your ankle or knee, resulting in pain so you have to see a physician. Sometimes, however, pain occurs without an immediately recognizable reason: your wrist may suddenly hurt during typing, or your knee unexpectedly causes pain when climbing the stairs. After a while, pain may even occur at rest. You should certainly not ignore this pain. After all, the sooner you can find the cause, the quicker you can actively do something about your joint pain – and in many cases, you can prevent it becoming chronic.

In addition to acute pain caused by injuries, such as in the ankle area when twisting the foot, excessive strain often plays a significant role. In cases of wrist pain, it’s often repetitive movements that subject the hand to excessive strain. This affects, for example, those who work in an office, at a checkout, or as a craftsman, play an instrument or certain sports. Ongoing high levels of exertion are one of the major factors for knee problems as well, with pre-existing conditions also contributing.


The pain itself is a strain, but it can also significantly restrict everyday activities. You may no longer be able to grip properly, or have to cancel a walk with your friend because you can’t put your foot down easily or because your knee feels unstable, making you insecure with each step. You may even have to take sick leave from work – possibly for an extended period. However: this is not something you have to put up with because you can do something about joint pain.

When your joints hurt:
quick and lasting help

Depending on the cause, there are various measures that can help you. In cases of injuries after an accident, you can use simple household remedies as First Aid against acute pain: a swollen foot should be slightly elevated, a burning knee can be relieved by placing it on a cushion at a slight angle. Heat treatment and cooling also helps. But remember to keep the temperatures moderate. If the dressing is too hot or too cold, it can damage the skin and tissue so you need to be careful. Whether cooling or heat treatment is better depends on the symptom. Cooling is the right choice for acute injuries and swelling as well as inflammation,
heat treatments are better for tense muscles.


After First Aid measures for injuries, you should go to see a physician. This also applies to moderate pain that occurs every now and then without obvious reason. Your physician can find out whether the injury goes deeper or if the slight pain has a cause that you should tackle. Only when you know the reason for your joint pain can you actively combat it – and therefore make sure that acute pain doesn’t become a chronic problem that may restrict your quality of life.


Depending on the diagnosis, different measures can counteract the pain. In addition to pain reduction, treatment will aim at strengthening your muscles, for example, stimulating circulation, relieving tension, stabilizing your joints – and helping you get back to an active life.


  • Pain-reducing creams and pain medication can help at the beginning but should not be used for extended periods because of the side effects. Plus, they merely fight the symptoms, not the cause.
  • Physiotherapy is usually an important aspect during recovery. Find out here how exercise can get your joints healthy again. Your health can also benefit from gentle training at home: we have compiled simple exercises for you in the Bauerfeind Training App that you can easily integrate into your everyday life.
  • Under certain circumstances, your joints may need support – during exercise as well as everyday activities. That’s exactly what the Train supports have been developed for. Not only do they provide your joint with the necessary stability, but also offer relief and, thanks to their special design, ensure that pain is alleviated and symptoms subside more quickly. This is just as true for the recovery phase after an injury or surgery as for chronic problems.
Auf dem Bild ist ein junger Mann an einem See zu sehen, der eine Yoga-Pose einnimmt und dabei eine ManuTrain Handgelenkbandage trägt, um Schmerzen im Handgelenk zu lindern.

In the end, the following also applies to joint pain: everything you do generally for your health also benefits your joints. Reducing excess weight, having a healthy, balanced diet, minimizing stress, exercising moderately and regularly – all these are measures that help make your joints fit to ensure an active, pain-free life.

Illustration einer Person mit Schmerzen im Bereich der Hand und des Handgelenks.